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Silent Auction - Registration Update

As you’re gathering your information to register for the Rally, one question you’ll be asked is if you’d like to donate to the Silent Auction (SA). The SA is the main fundraiser for our charities at the National Rally and has enabled us to give funding to some pretty awesome organizations that are doing great work for our communities.

You are not obligated to participate, you can contact Cindy at any time if you have questions.

This year, in order to streamline the process, we’ve created a pull-down menu in the registration system which will give you the most popular items that have been donated in the past, some examples include:

*Wine basket

*Beer basket

*Liquor basket

*handcrafted items

*small appliances

*state themed items

*RV items

*direct sell products (Tupperware, Norwex, Scentsy, etc.


This will also help in the SA intake process and enable us to preprint labels for all the items. We generally receive 150+ items and you can imagine how hectic that can get.

Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you so much for your continued support of our fundraising efforts.

I look forward to seeing you soon!



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